A career with the TSB

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Where we work

The TSB's head office is in Gatineau, Quebec, but most of its investigators work from field offices across the country so that they can respond quickly to transportation occurrences anywhere in Canada.

TSB investigators

Highly skilled investigators are deployed to the sites of transportation occurrences (incidents or accidents) to collect information; they do research and analysis to identify the causes of the occurrence and identify risks, and finally prepare detailed reports for publication. Find out more about the investigation process.

TSB investigators come from a variety of professional backgrounds: they are human factor specialists, air traffic controllers, airplane pilots, helicopter pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers, marine chief engineers, master mariners, naval architects, rail equipment and infrastructure specialists, locomotive engineers, and certified engineering pipeline specialists.

Investigators are in the occupational groups listed below, all of which have their own qualification standards.

  • Human Factors (EC)
  • Air Traffic Control (AI-NOP)
  • Civil Aviation Inspection (AO-CAI)
  • Technical Inspection (TI)
  • Engineering (EN-ENG)

The TSB team

A wide range of skilled professionals is needed to support the work of the TSB:  engineers, scientists, statisticians, administrators, finance experts, human resource personnel, and specialists in occupational health and safety, learning, information technology, and information management, as well as communications and publishing professionals. If you are in any of these fields, and are looking for a rewarding career, check out our job board—and join us!