News release

Wind, sea conditions, and cumulative effects of modifications led to passenger vessel capsizing in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia

Richmond, British Columbia,  — 

Today, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) released its investigation report (M22P0259) into the capsizing and subsequent sinking of the passenger vessel Island Bay in Carpenter Bay, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia (BC).

On September 10, 2022, the Island Bay was proceeding towards sheltered waters within Carpenter Bay to avoid heavy weather when a combination of forces from wind, waves, and the tide caused the vessel to heel significantly and start taking on water. The two crew members and five passengers on board subsequently evacuated the vessel and were rescued from shore later that afternoon. The Island Bay then capsized, partially sank, drifted aground, and was later salvaged and transported to Prince Rupert, BC.

The investigation determined that a series of modifications were made to the Island Bay, such as an extension at the stern and to the deckhouse, and additions of permanent storage, equipment, and gear. The cumulative effects from these modifications raised the vessel’s centre of gravity, compromising its ability to right itself when heeled by the external forces, making it susceptible to downflooding and capsizing, as seen in this occurrence.

Additionally, documentation about the previous owner’s modifications had not been passed to the owners at the time of the occurrencenor were the modifications reported to Transport Canada, and no stability assessment had ever been conducted. Consequently, the authorized representatives, in this case the operators, were unaware of the extent of the modifications, did not understand how these affected the vessel’s initial stability, and were making operational decisions without knowledge of the Island Bay’s stability limits.

Several TSB investigations into small commercial vessels have resulted in the Board issuing recommendations related to major modifications, regulatory surveillance, current and accurate vessel registration, and stability information. Although these recommendations were made about fishing vessels and tugs rather than passenger vessels, this investigation found that the same issues were present in this occurrence involving the Island Bay. If Transport Canada’s oversight and programs for commercial vessels that are not required to be certified continue to be insufficient to support authorized representatives in understanding their responsibilities, there is a risk that they will operate without an adequate level of safety.

See the investigation page for more information.

The TSB is an independent agency that investigates air, marine, pipeline, and rail transportation occurrences. Its sole aim is the advancement of transportation safety. It is not the function of the Board to assign fault or determine civil or criminal liability.

For more information, contact:
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
Media Relations
Telephone: 819-360-4376